Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We've Moved!

Our blog, the Student Leadership News, has a new home, a new look, and a new name. We are now WORDY by Nature.

We will continue to bring you the latest news about membership opportunities, along with tips and tricks for running a chapter, stories that highlight our Society’s culture of fellowship and commitment to scholarship and service, and of course everything you need to plan for the Annual International Convention. These exciting new changes should make that information easier to find. They also represent a renewed commitment to two of the blog’s biggest missions: Fostering regional identity and cooperation, and connecting members with their elected representatives.

In addition to a new look and easier navigation, our new blog will feature more direct interaction between members and the Student Leadership through our new blog discussion forum. Starting with our Summer Book Club, the discussion forum will be the home of a number of fun and exciting opportunities to collaborate with the Student Leaders and other chapters around the world. More details about the Summer Book Club will be coming soon, but our first book will be next year’s Common Reader, Ex Libris: Confessions of A Common Reader by Anne Fadiman, if you would like to get a head start.


 If you currently subscribe to the Student Leadership News via RSS, Atom, or email digest, your feeds will no longer work. You can subscribe to an RSS feed of WORDY by Nature at http://www.wordybynature.org/feed/ , or you can sign up for the new email digest by entering your address in the “subscribe” box on the home page.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Convention Story: Sigma Tau Delta Rocks!

by Bob "Chaos" Durborow

Far Western Associate Student Representative, 2012-2013

Alpha Eta Nu Chapter

Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT

Sigma Tau Delta Rocks: Sigma Tau Delta 2012 International Convention Reflections


2012 was a good year.

The Big Easy greeted this pen pusher

with open arms, steamy weather and étouffée,

while Sigma Tau Delta provided awesome authors,

critical theory, touching tales and potent poetry.

I laughed, I cried, I ate the cupcakes,
met new friends from there and here,
gained new appreciation for the color black,
fedora hats, walking sticks,
and the brother/sisterhood of poets,
that crosses state lines, gender, race,
acknowledging no bias or boundary,
taking all comers and touching their creative core.

 [Read More]

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Southwestern Region Call for Papers

5th Annual University of Central Oklahoma Language and Linguistics Conference

Edmond, Oklahoma
Conference Date: Saturday, November 3, 2012
Submission Deadline: Monday, September 3, 2012
Acceptance Notification: On or before Monday, September 17, 2012
Registration Deadline: Monday, October 1, 2012

150 Word Abstracts are invited from undergraduate and graduate students for 15-minute presentations including, but not limited to, relationships between and among language, linguistics, and their many applications:
  • natural and artificial languages
  • indigenous languages
  • extinct and endangered languages
  • American Sign Language
  • speech pathology and hearing sciences
  • language and cognition
  • theoretical and applied linguistics
  • structural, semantic, or phonological analyses
  • comparative grammars
  • discourse/text analyses
  • applications in pedagogy
  • applications in rhetoric, the arts, literature, and the humanities
  • applications in academic, cultural, and sociological constructs
Students whose abstracts are accepted will receive with their paid registration a ticket to the conference luncheon, an event t-shirt and tote bag, and access to all conference events, including the keynote address.

Presentations may be readings or visual presentations, such as PowerPoint or handouts. Please note: All PowerPoint presentations must be PC compatible. No poster presentations will be accepted. Authors must currently be undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in at least three credit hours at an accredited college or university or must have graduated with a degree no earlier than December 2011.

Submissions should consist of a titled abstract of no more than 150 words in MS Word format. Please include at the top of the abstract the title of your presentation but no personal identifying information (such as name or institution); however, please include identifying information in the body of the email message.  

Submissions should be sent as an attachment to langconf@gmail.com by the deadline of Monday, September 3, 2012. Late submissions are not guaranteed consideration for presentation. Questions regarding abstracts or presentations may be directed to the above address. For more information regarding conference events, please visit our conference website at http://www.uco.edu/la/english/llsc/callforpapers.asp

Monday, April 16, 2012

Convention Stories

Every year, as part of the Save Our Stories Project, we ask students and Sponsors who attended the Sigma Tau Delta Annual International Convention to submit their own personal convention stories to be archived on our website. These stories serve as snapshots of our Sigma Tau Delta culture, and reflections on the things that make our annual convention so vital to that culture.

Throughout the summer and fall we will be featuring a number of different takes on this assignment to encapsulate the convention experience. These stories serve as funny, inspirational, and heartwarming reminders of what this organization and this event mean to our members. They are also a wonderful tool for explaining what the convention is all about to those who have never been. Whether you're enticing new members to submit papers next year, persuading your department to give you travel funding, or encouraging the school paper to give your trip a little PR, these stories can help you back up the claim that this is far more than just another undergraduate academic conference.

If you would like to submit your own convention story, please contact lbrandeberry@niu.edu.

More Things to Do, Mo' Things to Learn

by Alexander Daley

Far Western Student Representative, 2012-2013
Alpha Eta Gamma Chapter
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA

On our second-to-last night at the Sigma Tau Delta 2012 International Convention, my chapter decided to celebrate our presentations at The Funky Pirate on Bourbon Street. Between sets, the musician "Big Al" Carson commented that, "in New Orleans we have 'Mo'; that's 'More' for everyone else." This statement encapsulates my entire experience in New Orleans.  Read more...

Eastern Region Call for Papers

4th Annual Shepherd University Sigma Tau Delta Literary Festival and Conference
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
October 13, 2012

The Shepherd University Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta invites submissions for our fourth annual “Literary Festival and Conference,” October 13, 2012. Planned events include:

• Conference panels featuring student papers on all subjects related to English studies
• Workshop on creative writing led by a professionals in the field
• Poetry/fiction readings
• Pre-Conference event with Shepherd faculty.

Papers written for undergraduate courses on any subject related to English studies are eligible for consideration. All critical presentations should be about 15 minutes long (about 8 pages). Creative presentations should be about 10 minutes long. Presenters are encouraged to bring supplementary materials (handouts, power points, etc) to help engage their audience; however these materials are not required. 

Membership in Sigma Tau Delta is NOT required to submit. Recent grads are welcome to submit works that were completed for an undergraduate course.

Critical Paper Proposals: Email a 250 word abstract to ShepherdUniSTD@gmail.com

Creative Writing Proposals: Email entire work(s) to ShepherdUniSTD@gmail.com



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Special Offer from Women for Hire Career Expos

Women for Hire, and organization that provides career advice, tools, networking and guidance for women, is hosting two upcoming career expos: one in Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 17, and one in Chicago on Wednesday, April 25. These 4-hour long career expos are already free and open to the public, but Women for Hire is extending a special offer to Sigma Tau Delta members: the chance to attend the Early Morning Seminar FREE of charge. These 90-minute pre-expo sessions, which require pre-registration and are normally a $10 fee, give you tips and tricks from the experts that will help prepare you to do your best during the career expo. Attendees to the Early Morning Seminar are also given early admission to the career expo, ahead of the other job seekers. Click on the expo link above and scroll down for information about the featured speakers at each seminar.

To register, email emma@womenforhire.com. Type “Sigma Tau Delta Early Morning Seminar” in the subject line. Mention that you are a Sigma Tau Delta member and tell her you would like to register for the Early Morning Seminar. Include your full name, and make sure you state which expo you plan to attend.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Anthony Doer Convention Event Review

by Christina Thompson
Southern Student Representative, 2012-2013
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA

At the 2012 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention, Anthony Doerr began his talk by sharing a short work of prose he had just composed on the plane ride to New Orleans. With an easy wit and endearing charm, Doerr crafted a caricature of his younger self, piecing together a Halloween costume with duct tape, cardboard, and black magic marker. Marking every peculiar nuance, Doerr translated emotive images of a young boy standing alone at a party, separated from the other kids by his faded, rain-soaked homemade costume. While the life lesson confused him at the time, the gift of a “Most Original Costume” prize from a friend’s mother planted the freedom-seed of individual expression within his heart.

That free expression found its voice through the creative process of short-story writing. Doerr also read a short story originally titled “Oranges.” Beginning with a meet-cute on a plane, he followed a singular stranded orange peel through the couple’s adventures of love, loss, and little personal idiosyncrasies that formed their life together. Doerr covered bone with flesh with the subtle inflections in his voice, sharing the couple’s interior reflections of one another while whispering the secret of the oranges.

Doerr delivered his talk with a gracious tone, repeatedly remarking “thanks for clapping” with a genuine gratitude that revealed his sheer pleasure in his life’s work. Through his readings, he continually echoed the sentiments of his childhood self, remaining true to his own originality. Anthony Doerr’s unique voice and ability to translate the small details in our everyday world will surely leave a lasting impression on attendees, affirming the free expression of individual art.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Review: The Lens of Natasha Tretheway

by Joe Nelis
Eastern Student Representative, 2012-2013
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

We’re lucky to live in a world where diversity is more widely celebrated than it is condemned.  It’s not perfect by any means, but it is closer to equal today than during the time depicted in Natasha Trethewey’s Bellocq’s Ophelia, our Common Reader for the 2012 International Convention in New Orleans.  Bellocq’s Ophelia received the 2003 Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Book Prize and was named a 2003 Notable Book by the American Library Association.  Trethewey herself won the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for her more recent poetry collection, Native Guard.  Trethewey treated us Sigma Tau Deltans to a historically and contextually grounded reading that should open our eyes to the depth and complexity of life, culture, and race during any time period.

With Bellocq’s Ophelia, Trethewey performs a poetic retelling of the photographs of a mixed-race prostitute taken by the historically renowned E. J. Bellocq of New Orleans in the early twentieth- century.  Through the creative-critical lens of Trethewey’s text, we see a recreation of the historical context in which this woman, Ophelia, lived and worked.  Through the poems she shared with us, including “Countess P-’s Advice for New Girls,” “Photograph of a Bawd Drinking Raleigh Rye,” and parts of the “Letters from Storyville,” Trethewey gave the audience significant insights into the life of women like Ophelia.

Even living in an oppressive time, Ophelia was a woman with personal growth in mind, always educating herself.  Trethewey experienced her share of racism and sexism growing up as a woman of mixed race in Gulfsport, Mississippi.  During her reading, Trethewey elaborated upon issues close to her that any Deltan could appreciate.  She discussed important factors from her past that fuel her passions and creative drives now.  She gave us a deeper insight into the research and work done to write Bellocq’s Ophelia, from studying Bellocq’s actual photographs to her archival dig through historical records. She revealed her frustrations as she tried to break away from writing in a set form, and how, through her challenges to herself, she came to embrace her historically-oriented, character-driven style.  From the readings, to her commentary, to her Q & A, Trethewey spoke with clarity and strength that kept her Deltan audience captivated.  We were lucky to have her share her work with us in New Orleans.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Introducing the 2012-2013 Student Leaders

At the 2012 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in New Orleans, students from each of Sigma Tau Delta's six regions elected Student Representatives and Associate Student Representatives to serve their regions and represent the interests of students to Sigma Tau Delta's national Board of Directors. The Alumni Epsilon chapter also elected an Alumni Representative and Associate Alumni Representative. Throughout the next year, these leaders will be blogging, organizing regional journals, hosting regional events, and serving as resources for members. Next spring they will host workshops, contests, and social events at the 2013 Convention in Portland, OR. They are always happy to answer questions, share ideas, and help members connect with one another and with the Society.

Introducing YOUR 2012-2013 Sigma Tau Delta Student Leadership Committee:

Eastern Region

Joe Nelis - Student Representative (SR)
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Email: sigmatd.e@gmail.com

Joe will complete his M.A. in Literature at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in May 2013. He received his B.A. in English Writing and Literature from IUP in May 2011. Joe hopes to go on to a Ph.D. program in Cultural Studies to pursue his dream of professionally studying popular culture and digital media, incorporating more television and video games into the academy. His literary interests are contemporary, focusing on 20th and 21st century American and British literature, mostly in the realms of fiction, poetry, and sci-fi/fantasy. Joe's favorite authors include Douglas Adams, Stephen Chbosky, Neil Gaiman, George R. R. Martin, Joyce Carol Oates, J. K. Rowling, and Suzanne Collins. He has a reading knowledge of Spanish, and plans to learn French and possibly Japanese over the next few years.

A member of Sigma Tau Delta since the 2008-2009 academic year, he served as President of his chapter the following year. He has presented creative work at the conventions in Minneapolis, St. Louis, and his hometown, Pittsburgh. Joe is honored to serve as Eastern Student Representative, and hopes to strengthen the community of scholars in the region by creating an online peer editing site for creative and critical writing. He also has high hopes in the coming year for the region's literary journal, Mind Murals.

Brian Hartt - Associate Student Representative (ASR)
The College of New Jersey
Ewing, NJ
Email: sigmatd.e2@gmail.com

Brian Hartt, a junior at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ, is studying English and Secondary Education. Brian works as a writing tutor and a housing assistant. His literary interests include critical theory, Latin American literature, and Masculinity Studies. He plans to teach after graduation, and in doing so attempt to stay out of debt when he enters graduate school. When not writing, reading, or grading papers, Brian can be found running the streets of Ewing in his neon orange Wayfarer sunglasses. He hopes to help foster regional communication through Mind Murals, the literary magazine of the Eastern Region, and by inter-chapter events. He is extremely excited to be working to bring the Eastern Region of Sigma Tau Delta together.

Far Western Region

Alexander Daley - Student Representative (SR)
California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA
Email: sigmatd.fw@gmail.com

Alexander Daley is a junior at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA, pursuing a B.A. in English with an emphasis in American Literature. He is originally from Westlake Village, CA. Alexander is an alumnus of the Westlake Information Technology Academy at Westlake High School. He attributes the beginning of his love for English to the great teachers he had during his time in the academy. At California Lutheran University, Alexander is Secretary of his Sigma Tau Delta chapter. Alexander hopes to pursue an M.A. in English after graduating from California Lutheran University. He ran for the position of SR in the Far Western Region with the hope of expanding Sigma Tau Delta's regional presence and the region's connections to the National English Honors Society (NEHS) for high schools. His other interests include going to the gym, swimming, watching movies, and spending time with his father.

Robert Durborow - Associate Student Representative (ASR)
Southern Utah University
Cedar City, UT
Email: sigmatd.fw2@gmail.com

Bob "Chaos" Durborow is a junior English Creative Writing major minoring in Graphic Design at Southern Utah University in Cedar City. Chaos serves as the Vice President of his local Sigma Tau Delta chapter and serves his school and community on a number of boards and committees involving the arts. He can get in a significant amount of trouble in Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese, and Klingon as well as English. Chaos ran for the ASR position in the Far Western Region to help draw the chapters closer together and promote growth. Writing is his life and he does everything in his power to promote literacy and interest in the power of words.

Chaos has won a number of awards for his writing and has a number of poems and short stories published in various publications. He loves to read, draw, hike, and fish, and commands a tactical paintball team, Ghost Echo, which helps train ROTC, National Guard, Reserves, and various law enforcement units. Chaos has worked as a professional soldier, critical care technician, surveyor, handyman and phlebotomist, among other things. He has owned several successful businesses and is a nationally certified archery instructor.

High Plains Region

Jessica Reyes - Student Representative (SR)
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Email: sigmatd.hp@gmail.com 

Jessica Reyes is a first year M.A. student in English at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, and the outgoing President of the Alpha Theta Eta Chapter. In addition to taking classes and teaching composition courses, Jessica likes to spend her time tutoring in the writing center. Her research interests tend to focus on writing center theory, but she is also enamored with post-Civil War literature and American history. Jessica enjoys the mind-melting power of literary and cultural theory, and currently finds her theoretical anchor in historical materialists such as Marx, Williams, and Jameson.

When Jessica isn't studying, you can often find her hanging out at the park with her six-year-old daughter, Bella, and her husband, Carlos. She also enjoys sitting on her porch and chatting with friends during the lovely summer months. Jessica is delighted to be serving as the Student Representative for the High Plains Region. Her goals this year include increasing inter-chapter communication and planning some exciting regional events.

Nick Miller - Associate Student Representative (ASR)
Chadron State College
Chadron, NE
Email: sigmatd.hp2@gmail.com

Nick Miller is a junior at Chadron State College (CSC) in Chadron, NE, working on his B.A. in Literature with a minor in Comparative Philosophy. He is President of the Sigma Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta where, with the help of the other members, he works on several events such as bi-weekly open mic nights for music and spoken word poetry and various other activities that promote literature. Outside of the classroom (and when he is not frantically running around trying to set up those activities), he can most likely be found working in CSC's tutoring center or working at the local coffee shop. When not studying or working, Nick can most likely be found practicing with his band, Bless Me Ultima (named after his favorite magical realism novel) or writing. As ASR, he hopes to help bring members in the vast High Plains Region together more often to build a sense of camaraderie among chapters.

Midwestern Region

Jeffrey J. Jett II - Student Representative
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Email: sigmatd.mw@gmail.com

Jeffrey Jett is currently a student in the Teacher's Certification Program in English at Northern Illinois University, working on a Secondary Education endorsement in History and Philosophy of Education certificates of study. Jeff is also the President of Xi Delta Chapter at Northern Illinois University. He will graduate in Spring 2013 with his certification and degree and begin teaching as a profession soon thereafter. When not busy at school or in the throes of club activities, he can be found indulging in works by Stephen King, Scott Snyder, and T.C. Boyle as well as many works of Science Fiction. Jeff has had a long love of comic books and graphic novels, and feels that this medium can mean the difference in educating students with behavioral and attention disorders in a classroom setting.

Jeff is thrilled to be representing the Midwest Region as the new Student Representative for the 2012-2013 year and encourages communication and collaboration amongst all the region's chapters. Please send any questions or ideas about chapter community-building to him as often as you like.

Emily Scott - Associate Student Representative (ASR)
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI
Email: sigmatd.mw2@gmail.com

Emily Elizabeth Scott is a senior at Western Michigan University (WMU) in Kalamazoo, MI, where she is working on her B.A. in both English and Public Relations with minors in Arabic and Economics. She is President of the Alpha Nu Pi Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, and has the most radical executive board this side of the equator. Outside of Sigma Tau Delta, Emily is a peer educator for WMU's Department of Health Promotion and Education, an active member of the university's feminist organization, and an incoming executive board member for Drive Safe Kalamazoo – a student-run non-profit organization. Emily enjoys making people laugh and is a proud cast member of Worklight Improv Team. She is stoked to be serving as an ASR for Sigma Tau Delta and is hoping to help create a sense of unity among the chapters in the Midwest Region.

Southern Region

Christina Thompson - Student Representative (SR) 
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, LA
Email: sigmatd.s@gmail.com

Christina Thompson is currently attending Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA., pursuing an M.A. in English Literature. She is thrilled to be the new Student Representative for the Southern Region (holla!).
Christina is primarily interested in the construction, composition, and connotative imagination of language. During her undergraduate studies in English, her affinity for literature matured into a proclivity for the pedagogy of language. In order to hone her skills assisting students with varying levels of English proficiency, she has begun work as a writing tutor at the Louisiana Tech Writing Center. Endeavoring to continue her studies to earn a Ph.D. in English, she hopes her efforts prove successful, allowing her to pursue a full career as a literary critic, university professor, and published writer.

Tamia Easterling - Associate Student Representative (ASR)
Tennessee State University
Nashville, TN
Email: sigmatd.s2@gmail.com

Tamia Easterling is a junior English major also earning teacher certification at Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN. She plans to graduate with her B.A. in May 2013, and continue furthering her education by attending graduate school the following fall. Hailing from Cincinnati, OH, she is the oldest of five, and considers her siblings, or her "babies" as she refers to them, as her greatest inspiration. She is President of the Alpha Alpha Eta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta for the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year, and she is also a member of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs Incorporated. In the very few opportunities she can call "free time" she enjoys reading works by authors such as Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Eric Jerome Dickey, and Zora Neale Hurston. On Sunday nights you can catch her tuned into AMC's "The Walking Dead" as she is their number one fan!

Her plans for serving as ASR for the Southern Region include not only assisting the SR in her endeavors, but also promoting communication amongst the chapters, and ensuring that all members of Sigma Tau Delta are aware of its opportunities.

Southwestern Region

Katherine Williams - Student Representative (SR)
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, AR
Email: sigmatd.sw@gmail.com

Katherine Williams graduated from Arkansas Tech University (ATU) in Russellville, AR, in December 2011 with a B.A. in English, a B.F.A. in Creative Writing, and a minor in Film Studies. She plans to further her education with an M.L.A. at ATU in the fall.

Katherine joined Sigma Tau Delta in 2009 and served as the Omnicron Tau Chapter Vice-President and President until graduating. At the national level, she served as the Associate Student Representative for the Southwestern Region for the 2011-2012 term. Her goals as a Student Representative include strengthening inter-chapter relations in order to help smaller chapters like her own achieve big goals.

Shalicia Wilson - Assistant Student Representative (ASR)
Williams Baptist College
Walnut Ridge, AR
Email: sigmatd.sw2@gmail.com

Shalicia Wilson is a senior at Williams Baptist College in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, where she is persuing a B.S.E. in Secondary English Education. Shalicia has been on the Dean's List for five consecutive semesters, boasting a 3.8 GPA. She is currently student teaching at Westside High School, and plans to attend graduate school upon graduating. In her free time, she reads, her favorite author being Jane Austen. Shalicia also holds a part-time job waiting tables, and enjoys meeting and getting to know new people. Shalicia is the President of the Alpha Delta Pi Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, which often holds open mic nights on campus, and conducts local book drives. She is also a member of the Octave Thanet Society and Pi Lambda Theta. Shalicia's goals as ASR include developing more communication between the region's chapters, and planning events in which smaller chapters in the same area can meet and organize events.


Alyssa DeCaulp - Alumni Representative (AR)
Alumna of St. Edward's University
San Antonio, TX
Email: sigmatd.ae@gmail.com

Alyssa DeCaulp is currently finishing her Master's degree in Folklore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Alyssa joined Sigma Tau Delta in 2006, and served the president of the St. Edward's University chapter for three years. During that time, she also spent a year as the Southwestern Region Student Representative. Alyssa's current interest in literature focuses on spoken word poetry and the way oral literary art, and art in general, can be used to affect positive social change. As Alumni Representative, she hopes to facilitate the building of stronger ties in the alumni community, especially through the use of technology and social media.

Jon L. Peacock - Associate Alumni Representative (AAR)
Alumnus of Long Island University, Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
Email: sigmatd.ae2@gmail.com

Originally from Arizona, Jon L. Peacock is a Brooklyn based writer and actor. He joined Sigma Tau Delta during his graduate studies for creative writing at Long Island University, Omicron Zeta chapter, where he served as the chapter's president. After completing his thesis, Wayward (a novel), and graduating with his M.F.A., Jon has been teaching English Composition and Literature at various New York colleges, namely St. John's University, where he is currently the sponsor of the Upsilon Omicron chapter. As the Associate Alumni Representative for the 2012-2013 year, Jon is excited to bring more attention to the benefits and amazing opportunities available for Alumni Epsilon members. For more information, visitwww.jonLpeacock.com.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Job Opening, Chicago, IL

Boeing has an opening for a Communications Specialist 2/3 in Chicago with the corporate employee communications team. “The primary role centers on writing corporate news stories for Boeing News Now, the company's around-the-clock internal electronic news service, and Frontiers magazine, Boeing's monthly four-color employee magazine.”

The latest issue of Frontiers online at http://www.boeing.com/news/frontiers/archive/2012/march/#/1/. Boeing News Now is, as stated above, internal.

“This high-visibility position, based in Chicago, Ill., involves heavy workload, multiple tasks, constant coordination and occasional travel. Frequent early morning or evening shift work required. The final candidate(s) for this position will be required to take writing and editing tests. ”

For more information, go to https://jobs.boeing.com/JobSeeker/JobView?reqcode=12-1005746

Best luck to applicants!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Convention 2012 Top 10

by Allie Reznik
Student Advisor, 2011-2013

10. Strolling the oil lamp lit streets of NOLA.

9. Enjoying Cafe du Monde twice a day, everyday.

8. Lauren informing us that one of the Twitter contestants asked @EnglishCon out on a date.

7. Seeing brilliant deltans struggle with those tricky smart elevators.

6. Learning at the board meeting that Sigma Tau Delta is now the second largest honor society in the nation!

5. "Feast!"

4. "Honing ones empathy from the personal to the collective" -Anthony Doerr on literature

3. Networking in all of the fantastic Student Leadership workshops!

2. "Poetry allows us to not only touch the intellect but also the heart." -Natasha Tretheway

1. Toss up between "Show me your wits," "I like big books," and Bil Johnson scandalously exposing his leg!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Twitter Contest Winners

Most Popular Winner ($50 amazon card):
Joe Nelis
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Most Popular Runner Up (Cafe Du Monde mug):
Heather Etelamaki
Kansas State University

Most Prolific Winner ($35 amazon card):
Caitlin Yimet
Xi Delta

Most Prolific Runner Up (Cafe Du Monde mug):
Daniel Kasper
Southern Arkansas University

Friday, February 24, 2012

Top Ten Tips for a Twitter Triumph

The Tweet the Convention Contest is a fun and easy way to connect with other Convention attendees and learn about all of the excitement Convention has to offer. Whether you are a Twitter veteran or a first time user, this handy guide will help you navigate the contest and come out a winner. (NOTE: Twitter tips listed can be done from the twitter.com website. If you are using a Twitter app on your computer or mobile device, it may not support all of these features).

1- Get a Twitter account. Sorry to state the obvious, but you will need a Twitter account to play. Sign up for free at Twitter.com. You do not need to link any personal information to your account.

2- Enter the contest. You can’t win if you don’t play. The full rules for the contest can be found here, but all you really need to know is that to be officially entered in the contest you must send your name, school, email, and Twitter handle to lbrandeberry@niu.edu. We need email addresses to contact the winners and send out prizes. We will not share your email with anyone or use it for any other purpose.

3- Follow @EnglishCon on Twitter. We will be tweeting tips and announcements throughout the convention. You can also ask us questions and we will try to answer.

4- Follow other contestants. The Twitter contest is a social game. You have to interact with other convention attendees to win. You will want to respond to things they say and share their most interesting tweets, in addition to tweeting yourself. See the official List of Contestants and start following the other people on the list. Bonus Tip: If you don’t see your name on the list, we have not gotten your entry and you need to send us a message right away. We will not penalize you if you entered late or if we lost your original entry, but you won’t get as much out of the contest if people can’t find you, so you want to be on the list.

5- Use lists to sort tweets. If you create an account just for this contest and don’t follow anyone but other contestants, this tip won’t help you. But if you are already a Twitter user, or if you quickly discover some of the other fun and interesting Twitter accounts to follow, you will soon notice that your Twitter feed fills up very fast. When you are busy, such as during the convention, you can’t possibly read every tweet to pick out the ones about the contest. Thankfully, there is an easier way.

Twitter allows users to create lists of people they want to follow and then sort your feed by list, so that you can only see tweets by your friends or, in this case, only tweets by convention attendees. You can also follow entire lists created by other people. We have already created a list of contestants that you can follow, or you can create your own custom lists. Go to your Twitter profile and click on “lists” to make a list and to see lists you are subscribed to, lists you have created, and lists other people have added you to. Click on someone else's profile to see and follow any good lists they have made. Master lists, and you are half way to mastering the contest.

6- Get the right app. Yes, you can use Twitter on your computer if that is your only option. But to really get the most out of the Twitter contest, you need to be carrying Twitter around with you and checking it throughout the day. This means you that if you have a mobile device, you will want to install an app that will let you use Twitter on it. There are tons of free and paid apps available to put Twitter on your smart phone, tablet, ebook reader, iPod Touch, and probably just about any other portable device. To find the best options, do a web search for the name of your favorite device and the words “best twitter app.” Set it up, play with it and become comfortable with how it works so that once the contest starts, you can tweet on the fly like a pro.

7- Master the Retweet. Part of the contest involves contestants “voting” for their favorite tweets. How do you vote? With a Retweet! Retweeting means quoting someone else’s tweet in your tweet, as a way to share it with more people.

Twitter has a built-in retweet function that will make the original tweet appear in your feed exactly as it originally looked, but with “retweeted by” at the bottom. This is the fast and easy way to retweet. Check out @EnglishCon for an example. If you see tweets that appear to be from other people in the @EnglishCon feed, those are things we retweeted.

But suppose you want to modify the tweet? What if you want to add a comment such as “sounds like fun!”? Or what if you want to add the names of some of your friends so it will catch their attention? In that case, just copy the tweet and then paste it into a new tweet by you. Use “via @username” to show where it originally came from.  Example:

Orignal Tweet from @EnglishCon:  Come check out bad poetry night, Acadia 15 min!

Retweet by another contestant: Sounds like fun @AllieBGoLightly @allielyrica @Allye001  Come check out bad poetry night, Acadia 15 min! via @EnglishCon

8- Don’t forget the photos! We love to hear about what you are doing and seeing throughout your stay in New Orleans. We love it even more when we can SEE what you are doing. Please remember to share your photos of the convention and your trips around town. The twitter.com website and most Twitter apps will have a built-in way to upload and share photos quickly--just look for the little camera icon. There are also several free services such as Twit Pic.

9- Tweet early, tweet often. The contest actually starts on Monday, February 27, two days BEFORE the convention, and ends two days after the convention, on Monday, March 5. This is because we want to hear about the whole experience, from packing and planning to reflecting and decompressing. Get started bright and early Monday morning to iron out all the kinks, find your Twitter groove, and start amping up the excitement.

10- Have fun! The whole point of this contest is to give people a fun way to interact and document their convention experience. Yes, there is a $50 Amazon.com gift certificate on the line, but the most important thing is to connect with people and have a good time. If everyone does that, we will all be winners.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Midwestern Student Leadership Candidate

Emily Elizabeth Scott
Candidate for Midwestern Associate Student Representative, 2012-2013
Junior, Alpha Nu Pi Chapter, Western Michigan University, MI

Positions, other memberships, offices, etc., currently or recently held:

Chapter President

Explain why you are running for office and comment on any skills, experience, or personal qualities you possess that would contribute to your performing the following duties: promoting communication among chapters other than your own, producing official publications, assisting your Regent, serving on the Student Leadership Committee. Further comments or ideas are encouraged. Include your region and your first and last name at the top of the page. Please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay. Candidate essays will be displayed publicly before the election. Do not exceed 500 words:

As the president of my university's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, I am familiar with how the organization works on a local level, and am committed to forming strong relationships with other regional chapters in order to learn ways to better improve upon our own chapters. My experience as an editor for a student run publication "The White Goat," as well as my two years of interning for WMU's graduate literary magazine "Third Coast," have prepared me well to work on our region's publication "Ex Medio." I know that as ambitious leader, effective communicator and creative student I am an excellent candidate for this position.

Southern Student Leadership Candidate

Ginger King
Candidate for Southern Student Representative, 2012-2013
Senior, Alpha Mu Iota Chapter, Louisiana State University at Alexandria, LA

Positions, other memberships, offices, etc., currently or recently held:

Interim President of Sigma Tau Delta, Treasurer of Student Government

Explain why you are running for office and comment on any skills, experience, or personal qualities you possess that would contribute to your performing the following duties: promoting communication among chapters other than your own, producing official publications, assisting your Regent, serving on the Student Leadership Committee. Further comments or ideas are encouraged. Include your region and your first and last name at the top of the page. Please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay. Candidate essays will be displayed publicly before the election. Do not exceed 500 words:

I am running for Student Representative so I can learn how to encourage others to become part of an organization that rewards its members by increasing confidence and pride in one’s future. I admire the commitment to learning and intellectual growth which Sigma Tau Delta represents. I would very much like to be part of the greater world of Sigma Tau.

As Interim President of my campus chapter of Sigma Tau Delta (interim because our chapter had a changeover in faculty sponsorship, and because of student graduations), my goal has been to increase our campus community involvement, and increase membership. The first step toward reaching these goals was selling valentines with quotes from famous love poems. The fund raiser received a great response and seemed to give us a place in campus organizations. We are in the middle of planning an in-house conference for presenting papers. We hope to build upon that next year by inviting area schools to participate as well. I want my enthusiasm for involving more students (and fostering growth) in the society to help our chapter increase its membership while allowing opportunities for student leadership, which is what I enjoy about being a Sigma Tau Delta member.

A part of my responsibility as an officer in my campus’s Student Government Association (SGA) is serving as a voice for students. The number of non-traditional students entering colleges has increased greatly. As a non-traditional student, I realize I offer a unique perspective and provide valuable insight into student needs and wishes. Another advantage to being a non-traditional student is amount of life experience I can bring to the role of Student Representative. I have acquired important skills in organization, communication, and collaboration which will be beneficial to performing the duties required of a Southern Regional Representative.

I am literate in the use of computers and other technologies—I am currently interning at the Arna Bontemps Home and Museum, where I write press releases and update the Website.
Campus activism has intrigued me since I first understood that speaking up and empathizing can help change intolerable situations, or just make life generally better. Applying what I already know to the work of this prestigious honor society, and learning more from it, is what I can bring to the position of Southern Representative. Membership in Sigma Tau has helped me expand the horizons I’ve dreamed of reaching; the chance to offer my excitement to other Sigma Tau members is a wonderful opportunity—and one I absolutely want to take advantage of!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Southwestern Student Leadership Candidate

Katherine Williams
Candidate for Southwestern Student Representative or Associate Student Representative, 2012-2013
Senior, Omicron Tau Chapter, Arkansas Tech University, AR

Positions, other memberships, offices, etc., currently or recently held:

Chapter Vice-President, 2009; Chapter President, 2009-2011; Southwestern Region Associate Student Representative, 2011-2012

Explain why you are running for office and comment on any skills, experience, or personal qualities you possess that would contribute to your performing the following duties: promoting communication among chapters other than your own, producing official publications, assisting your Regent, serving on the Student Leadership Committee. Further comments or ideas are encouraged. Include your region and your first and last name at the top of the page. Please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay. Candidate essays will be displayed publicly before the election. Do not exceed 500 words:

I am running for Student Representative or Associate Student Representative for the Southwest region because I enjoyed holding the ASR position for this region last year. Because of my previous experience as an ASR, I believe that I have much to offer as a Student Rep, or again as an Associate Student Rep. One central reason why I want to continue my role as a student leader, other than enjoying the company of other leaders at conventions, is because I believe that my participation in Sigma Tau Delta at the national level helps my small chapter at Arkansas Tech University; what I have learned about this organization has helped me be a better officer and has shown members and nonmembers the benefits and possibilities they can achieve. My experience as a student leader would benefit the Southwest region's role in interchapter relations, and my experience as an editor in a student-run literary magazine would be beneficial when discussing student publications.

Overall, I believe that my role as a Student Representative or Associate Student Representative would benefit Sigma Tau Delta with my input and experience, and I would be happy to serve another year as a student leader.

Friday, February 17, 2012

High Plains Student Leadership Candidate

Every year at the annual convention, each region elects a Student Representative and an Associate Student Representative to represent student concerns to the Sigma Tau Delta Board of Directors. SRs and ASRs work closely with their Regent, helping with chapter recruitment and development, and they serve on the Student Leadership Committee, which produces the Student Leadership News blog. At convention, elections will also be held for the Alumni Representative and Associate Alumni Representative, who represent the concerns of alumni members and work closely with the student leaders.

From now until convention, we will be profiling candidates for the various offices, so that our members have a chance to learn a little about them and ask them questions. If you have a question for a candidate, please leave it in the comments section.

If you are interested in running for any of these offices, you still have time! Just go to http://english.org/sigmatd/leadership/index.shtml, read the job description and download the application. Email your application to the central office at sigmatd@niu.edu, or email sigmatd.sa1@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Nick Miller
Candidate for High Plains Associate Student Representative, 2012-2013
Junior, Sigma Beta Chapter, Chadron State College, NE

Positions, other memberships, offices, etc., currently or recently held:

I am currently the Associate Student Representative for the High Plains Region. Also, I am currently the president of the Sigma Beta chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.

Explain why you are running for office and comment on any skills, experience, or personal qualities you possess that would contribute to your performing the following duties: promoting communication among chapters other than your own, producing official publications, assisting your Regent, serving on the Student Leadership Committee. Further comments or ideas are encouraged. Include your region and your first and last name at the top of the page. Please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay. Candidate essays will be displayed publicly before the election. Do not exceed 500 words:

I am running for office because I would like to keep my position as Associate Student Representative. Since my election earlier in the school year, I have realized the amount of work that comes with this position, however, this has truly been a rewarding experience. I am very familiar with how Sigma Tau Delta operates on the local level, because even before I was a certified member, I was helping my chapter put on various activities including open mic events, fundraisers, and other seasonal events. In all honesty, this usually included putting up flyers and decorations, and ensuring that there were refreshments. With that being said, all of the aforementioned tasks are extremely important for any successful event, and I still usually find myself doing these things as president.

Being Associate Student Representative has been a very rewarding experience, and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to work with the other Student Leaders. If I am re-elected, I plan to continue to work with my peers, writing blog posts and planning fun and informative regional conferences. Because the High Plains Region is so large, I think it is very important to promote communication among different chapters. Luckily, the High Plains Regent and myself are both at Chadron State College, so we are able to bounce ideas off of each other in person.

In closing, I am very grateful to have spent nearly five months as ASR, and whether I am re-elected or not, I will always look fondly on my experience in this position.