About Us

Sigma Tau Delta's Student Leadership Committee is made up of students elected and appointed to: provide the students' voice within the Society; to promote and encourage local chapter activities; to develop regional and national communications networks; to encourage participation in state, regional, and international conferences; to advise the Board and Central Office on methods to recruit and re-activate local chapters; to recommend winners of the Outstanding Sponsor Awards.

This blog is our way to keep our membership informed of the committee's activities and other important news and events. It's also a place for our members and chapters to showcase their accomplishments and to interact with their representatives. We welcome your feedback and suggestions and look forward to some lively discussions in the comments sections.

Get the news any way you want! Content of the Student Leadership News will be published on our Facebook page. You can also subscribe to the whole site or just to the sections you care about through email digest or the feed reader of your choice. Go to the Subscribe page to choose your subscription options.

If you have any questions about the Student Leadership Committee or our blog, feel free to contact us!